Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Some rain coming

70 degrees in Clarinda at 10:20 am with strong 20 mph wind out of  South East.

This is radar at this time showing rain to the west of us.

 Some photos I took from the choir loft Sunday just before service started -- and one as communion was starting.

 A few photos after church services when we were in Fellowship Hall for coffee.

Photo from Facebook - this is our Granddaughter Emmy with her niece - our Great Granddaughter Jessica taken this Sunday when Em was visiting Marengo, IA from Kirksville, MO

Tomatoes are slowing down insofar as ripening, though there are a great many green ones on the vine.  Will be taking them off before long, since we will be cleaning up the vines and closing up the place next week, getting ready to head out for the winter.

Had our annual eye check-ups Monday -- neither needed new lens -- and then walked across the street to the Page County Courthouse to cast our absentee ballots for the November 8th election, since we will be in La Feria, Texas on that date.

Might mention, I ordered a 128 Gigabits Flash Drive and have used a tiny portion of it to put about 50 hours of music which can be played directly in the pickup.  Nice to have it alternately with the Sirius XM Radio as we do our travelling.

Later, Lynn

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