Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In Batesville, AR

76 degrees and bright sunshine in Batesville, AR at 12:30 pm this Wednesday.
This is a huge fabric store - covers one city block - that we have
been to before.  Phyllis picking up fabric for Kenwood ladies to
work on with their quilting.

Went to Moses musical presentation last night.  Of course, no photos allowed.  Did buy DVD so will able to look at it again.  That is why they don't want you to take photos -- so you will buy, and it worked!  Was good play with quite a few animals at different times, coming down through the audience or exiting through the audience.  
The four nights we were in Branson we saw quite a variety of shows, enjoyed them all.

Left our Escapee RV Park in Hollister, MO right at 8 am this morning - got here at noon.  We are going to stop in Searcy, AR after we leave here to visit with Bonnie Uphoff.  Everett is in the hospital in ICU and doesn't sound the best.  This 89 year old used to winter on our row in Kenwood there in Texas, but sold their mobile home to Lynn & Sharlene Stivers several years ago.

More tomorrow.  Lynn

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