Monday, October 24, 2016

Day 8 on Texas Trek

53º in Branson, MO at 9:45 am Monday.  Predicted high of 78º here.

One of the latest photos of our Great Granddaughter Jessica copied from her folk's Facebook page.  She was 4 months old yesterday.
This is her "4-month" picature

Last night we went to the Dixie Stampede

As menu to left shows - quite a meal was served during
the performance - all without utensils.

This chicken layed an egg while romping around.

Quite a performance with flags at the end of the evening.

This juggler put on quite a performance on the "pre-show"

He balanced this 8-foot
stepladder on his chin!

His dad performed this plate-balancing act on Ed Sullivan Show
many times many years ago.

We have changed our plans about going on to Arkansas today and going through the Walmart Museum in Bentonville and decided to stay here a couple more days so we can go to Moses presentation on Tuesday night.  They had been sold out when we got here Saturday and they do not perform Sunday or Monday; so we changed our plans and are seeing that tomorrow night and have tickets to "Six" which is an a Capella group tonight.  May be only a day behind schedule of arriving at Kenwood on Sunday.

Later, Lynn

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