Thursday, October 20, 2016

In Cape Girardeau, MO for next two nights (Day 5 on way to Texas)

60 Degrees here in Cape Girardeau, and almost raining.  to be 37º in the morning with a high for tomorrow of 61º
Tonight we ate supper with sister-in-law Vicki Miles

and brother Don Miles - in Cape Girardeau, MO
Their two dogs weren't too excited about us being there.

Today we drove about 320 miles, pretty much straight south, from Kirksville, Missouri to Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  These two photos of clouds are just south of Saint Louis, Missouri.  It got really overcast later on, but we didn't drive in any rainy weather.  This was a little further than I like to drive, any more, in one day.

My Breakfast (Irish Skillet) in Kirksville this morning.

Our granddaughter Emmy with Phyllis at breakfast.
We ate supper last night with her and Vincent.
Visited a bit with my brother Don and his wife Vicki evening and will go out for brunch in the morning.  To be here in Cape until Saturday morning.  Will get to visit with niece Jenn Miles tomorrow.

More later, Lynn

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