Monday, October 10, 2016

Our last week in Iowa for 2016

58 degrees at 8:00 am Monday - Radar looks like we may have a shower coming our way.

Well, we spent the weekend at our son's place in Marengo, IA and granddaughter Ashley with Great Granddaughter Jessica was with them quite a bit so we could get some Jessica-time.

Jessica was born in late June, so she is just about 3.5 months old.  When we return from our winter home next April or May we suspect she will be close to walking, probably doing a lot of jabbering, etc.  So we will do with the pictures posted on the social media for the next 6 months.

My cup of tea Saturday morning. 

Keystone Bank presentation.
Saturday, mid-day, we went to the town square in Marengo for their Holloween party.  Grand-Son-In-Law Heath helped with sound for the school's music group, then led the band group to start off the entertainment.

We walked the area and here are some of the displays to be judged.
Big G Grocery store - Ashley works there.

Heath announcing the band group

Heath leading the group, and also playing trumpet at the left.

Sheila and Tom Long - Grandson-in-law Heath's parents
After supper at Cam and Pat's house with Ashley and Heath (& Jessica) the four of us went to a movie house in Belle Plaine, Iowa for the movie SULLY
This movie went into much before and after the flight itself.  Hadn't realized the scrutiny he, and his crew, were under by the  National Transportation Safety Board.  Very interesting film.
This old theater has been painted and kept up

Well, we have this week to button up the house, put everything away and winterize the place, pack the trailer and the pickup with all we want to have with us the next 6 month so we can leave next Sunday.
Keep watch.  Lynn

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