Friday, October 14, 2016


48 degrees here in Clarinda, IA with a misty light fog.

After eating at the "all you can eat Fish & Chicken buffet in Villisca, IA  last evening we played our last Hand & Foot card game for the season with Oliver & Mary Jo Herzberg--since we are leaving Sunday for Texas

Quite a line-up for the girls
The Rooster in this Allis Chalmers clock
sounded off every hour

I climbed on the roof of the house yesterday and inspected the mortar on the chimney and flashing for it.  Looks good for another winter.  Will get on the roof of the shop either today or tomorrow and sweep all the Ash tree debris down and clean the west side gutter as it is directly under that Ash tree.

Phyllis has been covering the windows in the house and I have all the stuff off the deck except the hot tub - that goes in the shop building tomorrow.  Have most of the "stuff" either in the back of the pickup or in the trailer ready for our annual move to Texas.
More later, Lynn

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