Thursday, October 18, 2018

Settling in

60º with wind calm to 12 mpg gusts, here in La Feria, TX with heavy overcast and intermittent rain - which is forecast for the next 4 or 5 days.  Taking several days to open the house and get things situated -- just like it took several days to close up the Clarinda house.
This was at 12 noon today.

Photo taken from atop a balloon truck entering the
field -- shows the huge crowd.

Some shirts worn by

Some more shirts

Field from one of the broadcaster's sites.

Official Poster

Volunteers were everywhere running people
where they needed to go.

This is from a commercial photo in the program
showing the Wells Fargo Balloons

Worked up a compilation of gas bought on the trip.  Had a wide variety of prices, with $2.43 a gallon paid here in Harlingon, to $3.10 a gallon paid at two places in the Hill Country of Texas.

Gas Prices Clarinda to Kenwood Fall 2018
Braddyville, IA -$2.70     Seneca, KS    $2.75    Belleville, KS - $2.74   Great Bend, KS - $2.80
Dodge City, KS - $2.67   Liberal, KS -  $2.64    Delhart, TS - $2.70      Tucumcari, NM - $2.75
Santa Rosa, NM - $2.80  Bernilillo, NM - $2.66  Belen, NM - $2.68     Vado, NM - 20.9   $2.70
Van Horn, TX - $2.94    Fort Stockton, TX - $3.10  Ozono, TX - $3.10 Boerne, TX - $2.56
3 Rivers, TX - $2.50   Harlingon, TX - $2.43      
2,101 Miles   $2.723 Avg price - 

Trimmed bottom off the tall tree yesterday.

For our Kenwood friends - This is Merve, a few minutes
ago working at his spot.

Here are some more pictures of the Balloon Fiesta that I picked up off someone else' site.

More sometime later, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...