Saturday, October 20, 2018

Rain expected in the Valley this weekend.

70º at 8:15 pm Saturday, with heavy overcast and raining -- expected to rain tonight and tomorrow here in La Feria, Texas.

After 10 days dry camping where, after watching the TV late had to put on my pants and shoes and go outside to shut down the generator, I am enjoying full-time 120 volt electricity here in the house.  Still trying to figure what place I am in and where the bathroom is when I wake up middle of the night, though.

This carcass is on the front door to the Texas Room 

 Friday the office people put on a Taco lunch for 20 some people.  We got here on Tuesday, Elwangers had gotten here Monday, Summers got here Wednesday evening and Stoufers had been here for some time earlier as had Azures.
Understand Helen Miles is to arrive from Illinois tomorrow (Sunday).

Our 30 gallon water heater.

Several people are to arrive next week as the Park slowly comes to life.  The corporate people haven't forwarded the proper paperwork for Phyllis to start her Activity Director job so that is put off until it happens, supposedly sometime this next week.  A shame that nothing can happen in this park unless Corporate pulls the strings--or at least that is the way the manager runs it.

Later, Lynn

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