Friday, October 5, 2018

At International Balloon Fiesta

68º here in Albuquerque on Friday the 5th.
Following has been typed ahead:
October 4, 2018 – 7:10 pm MDT  -- Albuquerque, NM
Got up fairly early this morning at the KOA North Albuquerque and unhooked cable TV, filled trailer fresh water tank, dumped gray and black water tanks on trailer and bought two 30-lb. tanks of propane from the KOA for about $42.00.  Propane tanks had run empty the night before. 
We got to the Escapee HOP site at the Balloon Fiesta Park about 9 am, driving about 10 miles from where we had parked overnight.  Was shown a place to set up.  Leveled, chocked, unhooked; got generator out of back of pickup and set it behind our trailer.  It ran okay on a test run, but later in the day when we ran it after a bit it ran really rough.  Phyllis went in trailer and changed the refrigerator/freezer from “automatic” setting to just propane and the generator smoothed out.  So, will leave the refrigerator run on propane all the time.  Was not able to get our phones completely charged up in the half-hour or so that we ran the generator, but the trailer battery showed 100% so hoping the CPAP and lights as well as the electric circulating fan inside the refrigerator doesn’t pull too much out of the battery overnight.  A neighbor lady, Judy, went with us to supper tonight – stopped at a Subway and then an Albertson Grocery Store and returned to our trailer just as the sun set about 7 pm.

Escapee's RV group that we are with has 36 units, though one had trouble in Arizona and hasn't arrived yet.

 The Fiesta doesn't officially start until Saturday, but this is what I saw when stepped out of the trailer this morning just before 8 am.
7:03 pm October 5, 2018
Back from delicious, plentiful supper at the Escapee’s tent.  Had a session on what is happening and everyone introduced before a great catered supper. 

This afternoon we went to a balloon pilot session where he explained a lot about operating and owning a balloon.  All the ins and outs and what his experiences have been.  He has flown and been an instructor since before 2000.  He said the licensed balloon rides are $450 per person for a little over an hour ride, although there are some private people on the west side, outside of the grounds that will take you up for $250.  Will see.

Have been running generator periodically, my phone isn’t holding a good charge; and, have been charging a neighbor ladies phone as well as ours twice a day.  The “house” battery showed 50% charge after running the CPAP and the refrigerator fan (Refrigerator itself is on propane, but has circulating 120 V fan inside), so okay.

Here is schedule of the Fiesta CLICK HERE

Till next time, Lynn

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