Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Balloons galore!

54º with heavy overcast here in Albuquerque, NM at 9:41 am Tuesday.  Will paste from the off-line notes I have been keeping:

9:38 am October 8, 2018 Monday morning.
Got up a little after 5:30 am and went up to breakfast.  Had the CO2 alert go off just before midnight and finally turned off propane to the trailer.  Was 55º inside the trailer this morning and 46º outdoors.  After breakfast we took our chairs and sat on the north side of the Escapee’s tent and watched the balloons in the distance.  Two balloon crews came and set out their balloons and launched just across the road from us.  Got lots of photos of balloons that came up off the field in their “mass ascension” and also many balloons came up to the south of us and crossed over us and many came up to the east and went in front of us.

Was nippy that morning, too.

Yesterday we went to the main field and watched the take off of hundreds of balloons and then came back to the trailer and then got in the pickup and drove north to Rio Grande Valley Arts & Craft Festival at the Sandia Casino.  Hundreds of booths with mostly very high-priced items.  Liked a lot of either painted or photographed framed pictures priced anywhere from $250 to $4,500.  Phyllis did buy a pair of balloon ear rings.
We then noticed a Rudy’s BBQ place (which are headquartered in Texas and we go to several times each winter) so went to Sunday lunch there.
Back to the trailer and running the generator to charge the trailer battery, phones, camera batteries and watched TV while it was on.  Wind got to be very high during the afternoon, with trailer rocking even though we have the leveling jacks down on all four corners.  By late evening rain came with it.  All activities with the balloons were cancelled except we did hear the fireworks go off about 8:30 or so.

August 9, 2018 9:26 am MDT Tuesday
Outdoors at 6:03 am this morning

Indoors this morning at 6:03 am

Up at 5:45 am and down to breakfast.  With no electricity and some scare of the propane, we shut off the propane also, so was a little nippy indoors, too.  Was 40 degrees outside this morning and light rain; however, rain stopped and we watched balloons from our chairs outside the tent after eating.  Dressed in layers – I had on long-sleeved T shirt, long sleeved shirt, leather vest, wool pull-over hooded sweater and hooded raincoat/windbreaker as well as long pants.

Spent over an hour beside our Escapee tent watching balloons come up from the field about
a mile north of us.
Yes, this guy had his propane on his back and
was riding in a chair.  We watched him do a somewhat
rough landing not too far from us.

The air was full of balloons in the not-much-wind morning.

Someone put some grass in front of the tent to offset
all the rock and dirt.  We are sitting on top of an old land fill.

These balloons lifted off in the field just a 200 yards from us.

Sun has finally hit us, so some layers, at least on the head, have come off.

Lots of balloons came up from the field and came toward us (to the south) and veered off towards the Sandia mountains to the east.  Later many came up from northwest of Albuquerque and were trying to head toward the field to hit targets on the field.  Didn’t see too many dip down behind the Museum building to the field.

Have plans to go out to supper tomorrow evening with a high-school classmate of Phyllis' - Jean Arnold Paine.  She and her husband live only about a mile and a half from us here.   We did not have catered suppers here at the Escapee's tent Sunday or Monday evenings.  Last night we went to a Chinese Buffet.  The catered meals have been very plentiful -- curious to how much we may be gaining!

Have over 700 pictures, but cannot afford to upload them here.  Will be making an album on Google Photos that I will upload when we are on WIFI and not the Verizon.

Probably later - Lynn

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