Wednesday, October 17, 2018

At our winter home

62º with heavy overcast here in La Feria, TX at 1:30 pm Wednesday.
This will be a short blog.  Got to our place in Kenwood about 4:20 Tuesday the 16th of October.  Been on the road 17 days from Clarinda.  There was much flooding near where we stayed at Kerrville, TX Monday night and it was raining as we left the KOA and there were reports of bridges out and many roads closed.  We had to go a different way out of KOA to the Interstate account water over the streets/roads.

Rain Rain Rain

We live in Cameron County here.

The Cactus have been growing!

Unloading the trailer

This thing is getting bigger, too.

This tree was 5 inches tall when
I planted it about 5 years ago.

Yesterday I drained the hot water heater -- found several years ago by doing this before we started using it in the fall didn't have the foul odor for a few weeks that we had experienced before.

Spent several hours last night and this morning unloading the trailer and got part of the pickup unloaded.  Now to go to grocery store and get re-supplied here.

Till Later, Lynn

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