Saturday, September 30, 2017

Days two and three on our journey from SW Iowa to South Texas

65ยบ 1here in Marengo, IA at 11:15 am as I start this.

Great Grandma lining up lunch.
Spent much of Friday sitting with Great Granddaughter Jessica.  She is one busy little 15 month old.

Goofing off, getting in and out of her car seat that is leaned up against the coffee table.
Standing in her car seat, hanging on to a lego

I'm pretty sure Jessica will appreciate this picture
when she is in her teens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

playing with the yellow school bus
and all the little characters inside.

She just has to pose when the camera is out.

This is a blurry picture, but wanted to show the huge
enclosed parking garage at the Costco in Coralville, Iowa

Shows part of the huge indoor parking building
at Costco - this is the tire area where even out of
the regular building you are still out of the weather.

When granddaughter picked Jessica for her doctor's appointment we drove the 26 miles or so to Costco at Coralville, IA just to the east.  Got gas for $2.24 vs the $2.50 here in Marengo.  Phyllis had picked up 4 #312 hearing aid batteries for me Friday here in town for $4 something.  Got two cards of 72 batteries each for $8.49 each at Costco.  Also needed some AAA batteries - though you buy in bulk, Costco is cheapest on batteries.
Not your usual sink at Costco Men's Room

 Last night we met Cam several miles north of here as he was on his way home from Keystone, IA after work and we all went in to Cedar Rapids, IA to eat at Zeppelins.  Grandson-in-law Heath had gotten off work at school, and Ashley had had the day off (she cleaned house while we were baby sitting) and they followed us to the restaurant.

I had the "Zeppelin Hamburger and Phyllis had their
prime-rib sandwich.  Excellent food.
Some of the other dishes were fish and chips and a salmon salad.
All very good food, as well as the drinks and appetizers before the meal.
Jessica had mac and cheese as well as cottage cheese.  She
also managed to help GGrandma with her french fries.

We must have spent 2 hours there and Jessica only was
upset maybe 60 seconds.  She is quite a kid!

This morning we drove northwest towards Belle Plaine
and went to a pretty good sized antique/craft sale at a barn

30-some vendors besides the barn owners

They had quite a few pumpkins for sale


For The Love of Junk 

Phyllis bought this chair for Jessica

GROANER’S CORNER:((  Once two star football players had failed a test, and could not play football in the championship game.
So, after much begging from the coach, the teacher finally let the two take the test again.
They took the test, and turned it in.
The coach and the two students watched carefully over the teacher grading the tests. She checked over the first test, then over the second test. Half way through the second test she stopped and put a great big 'F' on both tests. The coach was furious and demanded an explanation. She said that they had cheated. 'Why?' the coach asked. The teacher showed him number six. The coach looked at number six on the first test. The answer read 'I don't know.' The coach said that it did not prove anything. The teacher handed him the second test. The answer read 'I don't know either.'

Buckwheat of the Little Rascals fame grew up, became a Muslim, and changed his name. He then went by ‘Kareem of Wheat’.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to your house.
Knock Knock
Who's there?

Later, Lynn

Thursday, September 28, 2017

First day of journey to Texas

 Need I mention that we were on the road today?  Set up in driveway of son Cameron at Marengo, Iowa and will be here until Sunday morning.  Got some time with great granddaughter Jessica this afternoon.  First thing we took a nap.

 When she was rested she was more than happy to entertain us.

Even got some TV time in.

We drove the 240 or so miles from Clarinda east and north, never getting on Interstate.  The way I like to drive when pulling the trailer; especially when we are loaded fairly heavy, not much traffic and need not run over 55 mph.

On the way from Clarinda saw quite a few fields of corn that some combining has been done

This field had quite a bit of green to it.
some rows left

Beans being run

More "green" corn
Girls are all at a school function at the high school tonight and Cameron and I are watching the Iowa State Football game on TV.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just get played out

OLD PHOTOGRAPHERS never die, they just stop developing

OLD NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS never die, they just go off-line

OLD NUMERICAL ANALYSTS never die, they just get disarrayed

OLD OWLS never die, they just don't give a hoot

OLD PACIFISTS never die, they just go to peaces

OLD PARADOXES never die, they just become enigmas

OLD PHOTOGRAPHERS never die, they get sent to the old focus home

OLD PILOTS never die, they just buzz off

OLD PLANETS never die, they just lose their attraction

OLD PLASTIC never dies, they just recycle it

OLD PLUMBERS never die, they just go down the drain

OLD POLICEMEN never die, they just cop out
OLD MUSICIANS never die, they just go from bar to bar 
OLD PILOTS never die, they just go to a higher plane
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Thumping who?
Thumping green and slimy is climbing up your back!

More later, probably when we are on the road Sunday

Heading for Texas

47ยบ comfortable temperature here in Clarinda, IA at 7 am Thursday.
Pickup packed, trailer hooked up - ready to go.

Attended Square Dance last night with Lanny Weakland from Omaha as calleer

Square dancers between tips.

Ready to start our journey with our trailer to Texas.  To be in Marengo, IA later today.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  An Indian chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant. The first gave birth to a boy. The chief was so elated he built her a teepee made of deer hide. A few days later, the second gave birth, also to a boy. The chief was very happy. He built her a teepee made of antelope hide. The third wife gave birth a few days later, but the chief kept the details a secret. He built this one a two story teepee, made out of a hippopotamus hide. The chief then challenged the tribe to guess what had occurred. Many tried, unsuccessfully. Finally, one young brave declared that the third wife had given birth to twin boys. "Correct," said the chief. "How did you figure it out?" The warrior answered, "It's elementary. The value of the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides."
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Dragon who?
Stop dragon your feet and get to work.

Later on the road, Lynn

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Rain - and cooler

65ยบ with clouds here in Clarinda, IA at 2:45 pm Tuesday.  Rained much of yesterday - imagine an inch plus, I have already stored my rain gauge.
Got Wood Sealer down on the raised portion of the back dec.

Still adding things to the pickup.  Small spaces still take things.
Have filled underneath storage on the trailer.

Gathering all the plants that don't go -- tub at right goes
to Texas with us.

Short picket fence around the flowers near windmill is now in shop.

Emptying the hot tub.

Everything but the tomatoes moved - floor drying
so can put wood  water sealer on rest of deck.

Winter cover put over basement "escape window" area.
At the Garrison House

I added these next three pictures to my blog about the 55th Class Reunion Phyllis just had several days after publishing it.  In case you missed them, here they are.  In fact, they are here even if you didn't miss them.
At the Garrison House
Mike Sell and Bill Lisle - at Garrison House Coffee Shop

Nancy Tarrant-Schauerte, Nancy Fleck Stotts, Elaine Winger Whitehead, Janet Demanett Neihart

Sherrill Larson Lisle, Nancy Tarrant-Schauerte, Phyllis Cabbage Miles, Ruth Otte Miller,
Sally Peterson Nordland,. at  Clarinda Country Cclub

Going thru the check-list of closing up house and packing trailer - to pull out Thursday morning.

GROANER’S CORNER:((  Two blondes, Molly and Maggie, were walking down the street.  Molly noticed a compact on the sidewalk and leaned down to pick it up. She opened it, looked in the mirror and said, "Hmmm, this person looks familiar." Maggie said, "Let me look!" So Molly handed her the Compact.   Maggie looked in the mirror and said,"You dummy, it's me!
Census Taker: 'How many children do you have?'
Woman: 'Four.'
Census Taker: 'May I have their names, please?'
Woman: 'Eenie, Meenie, Minie and George.'
Census Taker: 'Okay, that's fine. But may I ask why you named your fourth child George?'
Woman: 'Because we didn't want any Moe.'


Knock Knock
Who's there?
Pammy who?
Pammy the key, the door is locked!

More next time.  Lynn

Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...