Monday, August 19, 2024

Week with Great Granddaughter Jessica

 69º at 9:30 am Monday - bright sunshine with high of 81º predicted today.

Jessica left Marengo with us on Sunday; her folks & brother David came this Saturday to take her back home.  Think she enjoyed the week with us, at the Iowa State Fair and at our house.  I must note that keeping up with someone who is 73 years younger for a week can be a challenge at times.  Great Grandma and Jessica really enjoyed their "girls time" though.

We have a "new" car on the property.  Friends we met in the Rio Grande Valley, from St. Joe, Missouri, are on a Neihart buss tour to the Glacer National Park area and Montana that left from Clarinda last Friday and we let them park their car at our place.

The Long's took us out to lunch at the new Mexican Restaurant in Clarinda - El Sarape - on Saturday.  Good Food!

Phyllis asked the waitress about the wall covering.  It was all hand crocheted by a 90-year old lady in Mexico, taking four months to complete.  This covered an entire 15-foot high wall probably 50 feet long.

More later, LCM

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