Monday, August 5, 2024

One last hot day in State Center

 84 degrees at 10:00 am in State Center, IA with forecast high of 90 degrees.

Will be cooler after today.  Predicted low in the morning of 55º and high tomorrow of only 70º.  Will be a nice change from the hot muggy weather of the last few days.

Bob Weise, and wife Marcia, have been friends for the last seven years or so.  We have car-pooled with him for the 30-mile drive to barbershop chorus practice each week during the winter when we are in the Rio Grande Valley.  They live at Gladbrook, IA just a few miles northeast of here and we met them in Marshalltown yesterday for lunch and a good visit.  They have sold their Texas home and don't plan on being back in the winters.

Dick & Deanne Messer arrived from Minnesota yesterday with their motorhome we so have four units here now.  Only two more scheduled to arrive.  Schaffer's from Missouri and Servins from Illinois.  We think Cranes from Wisconsin are coming and staying in motel in Marshalltown.  Sisters Judy & Maxine from Ohio plan to arrive Tuesday and stay with Witt's in their 5-th wheel.

Last evening the four lady's went together and fixed a pot-luck type dinner for the eight of us.  Martin, the man who looks after the grounds and building for Lola, and his wife came by and joined in the meal.  He brought some vegetables and Phyllis, Lillian and Jerry had gotten tomatoes and green beans from Lola's garden (with Dolores' urging) so had a good supper.
The four ladies are in Marshalltown as I write this, shopping for groceries for the week.  I think we are all going into Marshalltown this evening for supper at Pizza Ranch.

Jim Galloway called yesterday to report they wouldn't be here after all.  They were going to stop on their way from the big Wisconsin Air Show to their home in Oklahoma, but his wife Patsy had gotten ill and so they had driven directly home yesterday.

More later, L Carroll Miles

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