Saturday, August 3, 2024

In State Center, Iowa for the week

 75 degrees and muggy at State Center, IA at 9:20 pm Saturday.

Forecast is for cooler weather starting Tuesday, which is the official first day of this Kenwood RV Summer Rally.  No rain during the week.

After stopping in Des Moines to drop off an Amazon return, get gas at Sam's Club (and $2.83 for both of us lunch of all-beef hot dogs & drinks) and groceries at Aldi's store we arrived at the campground on south edge of State Center, IA about 1:30 this afternoon.  Jerry & Lillian Witt, from Ohio, were already here and set up.  Within an hour Trish and Steve Ellis from Illinois pulled in and set up.  Visited a bit.
Only less than 20 people are expected at this summer's rally, smallest to date, I believe.

We had waited quite a while at Sam's Club to get gas even though there were two pumping and only one in front of us in line.  When the 2nd in line finished, she pulled out around the guy in front of her.  The one in front of us pulled up into her spot.  As he stopped, the guy in the front position got in his pickup and pulled out.  But the guy in front of us just got out and pumped his gas at the second spot--after having trouble with credit card three times and taking forever to start pumping.  I suppose he thought I would pull around him and back into that spot, but not with the travel trailer!  Some people!  There were signs on all the pumps that they were sorry for the slow pumping, but the screens were plugged and they had notified proper people.

After eating supper in the trailer we drove 6 miles east and spent a little time at the Marshalltown Antique Small Engine Show.  They had closed for the day but had an entertainer that we listened to and walked the grounds a bit.  They will be open all day tomorrow with a lot on display as well as a lot of vendors--but we probably will not be there.

We drove on in to Marshalltown for some ice cream and scouted where Applebee's is where we are to meet Bob & Marcia Weise from Gladbrook, IA for lunch at 12 Noon.  For the last seven or more years I car-pooled with Bob to Barbershop Chorus practice in the Rio Grande Valley.  They sold their mobile home that they had been in for some 17 years and don't plan to return to the Valley.  With age and some declining health, they decided it was best thing to do.  We will be glad to get to visit with them.

Will try to post daily while here at the Kenwood RV Summer Rally.


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