Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August about spent - Labor Day this weekend

 79º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 10:40 am Wednesday with forecast of high of 90º  We had some lightning with rain last evening, though the most of the storm was south of us - moving east.  Dumped .1" of rain plus four bugs from the rain gauge this morning.

Some pictures of the excitement going on here.

I posted a photo of red car we had stored here for a couple weeks.  The Penny's, Burl & Donna, returned yesterday afternoon and I drove their car to Hy-Vee parking lot to pick them and their luggage up.  They spent some time at our place filling us in on their 12-day trip with ultimate destination of Glacier National Park.

I usually fix a salad each evening we are home, with whatever I can find in the fridge and cupboards.  The other night along with my Tuna  I added popcorn instead of corn chips or other carbs.  Not a bad combination except for the "old maids" that fell into the salad with the popcorn.

We had bought a Black Diamond watermelon when in Lincoln last Saturday.  I tried cutting it by following THIS METHOD and it worked out well.  Click the link to see.

A few photos of brother Roger's flowers and vegetables at his place in Lincoln last Saturday.

Will close off today with memories from some photos from 1966

Only 58 years ago!

Later, L Carroll

Our Great Grandkids on first day of school this year.

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