Thursday, August 1, 2024

Some rain -- just on south edge of a major storm here in South West Iowa

 81º with bright sunshine here in Clarinda, IA at 11:45 am Thursday.  Forecast for high of 88º later in the day.

We spent yesterday visiting our dear friends Harold & LaRhoda Neher near Hiawatha, KS.  We had gone into town to eat at the Bread Bowl.  Harold got along fine with his powered Mobility Scooter that he drives right into the van they have.  I drove and they were glad to be out of the house for a bit.

Eating at The Bread Bowl.

We returned to their house, and after the required naps, Phyllis & LaRhoda called Bobi Raab for a visit.  She is near Minneapolis, MN and is doing fine.

Then we played three games of Pegs & Jokers and the ladies only won two games.

Got a photo of them to add to the photos of previous Kenwood RV summer rallies in State Center that we will be showing the Kenwood folks next week in State Center, Iowa.

After the Pegs & Jokers games LaRhoda furnished a delicious cherry pie with vanilla ice cream.

We headed out and, for different scenery, went north into Nebraska, then east into Missouri and north to Iowa.  We began hearing storm warnings on the radio and watched this huge storm build to the west and north of us.  We were heading into it.

Photo at right is just after we had crossed over Interstate 29 near Rockport, Missouri.

Storm and we were getting closer together and we were hearing admonishments on radio to get to shelter.  These two photos are in Missouri as we were heading north.

There were reported 80 mph winds in the storm that was said to be moving at 45 mph.

Not very much traffic and when we headed east from Shenandoah we were just at the leading edge of the storm.  Tornado warnings were on radio for Bethesda area which is northwest of Clarinda and we could see the terrible black/green clouds.  This morning we did hear of some damage in the Hepburn area.

We were in some rain going east on 2, but about outran the storm and got into our garage before the heaviest rain and strongest winds hit.  Had some limbs down this morning, but nothing major.  Had 1.1 inches of rain in gauge this morning.

Will be packing the trailer today, getting refrigerator cool and stocked.  Have to be gone most of tomorrow to Omaha and will hook onto trailer tomorrow afternoon.  Will also have to mow the lawn.  Planning to pull out Saturday morning and be at Kelo Park ( Lola's place) in State Center, IA,  Saturday afternoon.

Picture at left from Facebook is one of about five that this couple had taken.  They were posing in front of their horses and this one kept moving up and finally got almost in front of them with a good horse laugh!

Later, Lynn

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