Saturday, August 24, 2024

Expected heat in Iowa

 83º with "feel like" of 90º here in Clarinda, IA at 4:45 pm Saturday.

Read on Facebook last night about 9:30 pm that today would be the last day for Great Niece Tiffany Miles and her HoneyBee Baking Co. at Lincoln Haymarket Farmers Market on 8-24-24 so we got up at 5:30 am this morning and drove the 100 miles to see her there.  Her Dad was with her -- he said he helps set up and after an hour or so her Mom Becky comes, swaps with him and stays to help tear down the display.

Visited with Nephew Keith and Phyllis bought several baked goods and some crocheted items.  We had never been to this place and walked the several blocks of booths.  Bought a watermelon, Musk Melon, some radishes and some other things I can't remember.  Do know that most of the Scones she bought from Tiffany didn't make it back to Clarinda, at least not in their original packaging.  Was really good!    We then drove to my brother Roger's place and had a short visit with him and his wife Carolyn before heading back to Clarinda.


 On the way home we called Patty Steckelberg and she met us in Shenandoah at the Burger King for lunch and a good visit.                                                                                                                                                            




Friday we had driven to Omaha for a Doctor's appointment and had a gourmet lunch at Costco.  Did our Aldi run for groceries.  Interesting note - we usually buy gas at Sam's Club when possible -- Gas at Sam's Club in Omaha was $2.879 and today gas at Sam's Club in Lincoln was $3.089  I had taken extra  gas cans to Omaha and picked up an extra 12 gallons.  Some to replace what I had used from the container at back end of the Travel Trailer when at the Iowa State Fair and some to be used for the lawn mowing.

Phyllis talked with Vicki this afternoon and she had received the email that I had sent to an office at The Chateau where they live and they printed it and had given to her whereby I had told them of our upcoming visit to see them on September 14, 15, and 16 in about 3 weeks.

  As I finish this, now after supper at 7:30 pm it has cooled off to 80 degrees with "feel like" of 80 degrees.  They are forecasting 97 degrees with a "feel like" of 112 degrees tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm.  

Buenas Noches -- see you later, L Carroll



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