Sunday, December 3, 2023

Singing in the choir

Click HERE

 75 degrees and overcast here in Kenwood RV at 1:45 pm on Sunday.

Sang with First Methodist Church in Harlingen, TX for first time this morning.  Went to one practice last Wednesday.  Choir will put on Cantata at both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services next Sunday.

At practice before service this morning.

The choir loft is not well lit, so this photo off the YouTube of this morning's service is not a very good photo.  I am 2nd from right in back row and Phyllis 3rd from left on front row (behind candle)
Here is website for the church's YouTube: Click HERE 

I also looked up church services at Morrison United Methodist Church in Leesburg, Florida where brother Darrell attends church and sings in the choir and is in bell choir, as is his son Jonathon.  That YouTube: CLICK HERE 

Here are couple screen shots from that video, one above with JT & Darrell with the bell choir and one at right with the choir.  The photo partially covering Johnathon is superimposed of the sign language interpreter.  
Ate lunch yesterday at La Feria Cafe and Lupe, the 90-something year old grandmother of the current owner (Lupe owned Santa Rose Cafe for years before they moved to La Feria) waited on us.  She is so stooped anymore and getting quite forgetful.  Always nice to see her (this was first time this season) but she had to come back to ask several times different things she had asked us before to retrieve something.  She said here husband "is not doing well".

Phyllis has drug out many little Christmas decorations.

She also added some small things, wreaths and such, outside, but haven't got photos of them.

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