Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sun and Wind in the Rio Grande Valley

 79 degrees, bright sunshine with wind at 15 mph and gusts to 30 mph out of the south at 11:15 am on Thursday.  Had hard rain overnight and puddles this morning, but with the wind and sunshine they are drying up.

    Lets see, what has happened since I last wrote.  Made several trips into Mexico at Progresso to the dentist.  Went to our barbershop chorus practice in McAllen -- with the construction around intersection of I-2 and I-69E we now drive 37 miles each way or 74 mile roundtrip to practice.  Some times is shortened for our vehicle as we carpool with Bob Weise at Snow to Sun park which is 10 miles from our place and I drive his pickup sometimes from there (when his wife isn't using it going to shuffleboard tournaments).  He has vision problems and can't drive, so I drive his vehicle when it is his turn.

    At barbershop chorus practice on Tuesday Izzy served carrot cake at the break for director Bob's 87th birthday, which was that day.  Izzy had turned 87 just six days before.

   To celebrate both birthdays, most of the choir with spouses ate at Bella Mia's Italian Restaurant in McAllen on Monday noon.  Lots of visiting.

Several quartets performed, here the ladies sang one from the Sweet Adeline's they used to be in.

At left and above are two different quartets that sang.

This is on the Texas side of the bridge to Progresso.

The one below shows the Christmas decorations they have up no.

Our 94 year-old neighbor, Bob Raab, funeral service was this morning and live-streamed on Facebook.  I will save it to my computer and see if can get some photos off it after working with the program, to post later.

Later, Lynn

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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