Friday, November 10, 2023

Getting a lot of rain in the Rio Grande Valley

61 degrees with heavy rain here in La Feria, Texas aat 4:00 pm Friday.  Have received .95" rain today and that added to the rain yesterday gives us about 1.5" total so far.  TV weatherman has predicted from 3 to 3.5 inches rain before this ends Saturday night or Sunday morning.  Have discovered several spots around base of the Sunroom so when dry will have to re-coat the outside aluminum flange at base of outerwall.  Also, one area around one window in the Sunroom (Texas Room) that will have to look at.  Worked above that window a few years ago.  This heavy rain is very unusual here in the valley in our experience.  Much of Texas is in a drought condition and so this rain is appreciated by the locals. 

Sunday I replanted two Hibiscus plants that replace ones we planted last February and didn't make it.  These will have a chance since we will be able to water several more months and they should be more deep rooted before hot summer.  Since the two verigated  leaf bougainvillea plants (on either side of the regular Bougainvellea in the center) aren't going to get very big (we found out when buying the new Hibiscus plants) we are going to add a couple regular Bougainvellea plants where they are so can have some more full coverage.


This is the Beauganvellia behind Bob & Bobbi's old house just to the east.  It survived the stupid severe stripping of all plants near the fence that this stupid park management ordered several years ago.Our 4 or 5 of this size did not.  They said it was because they were going to rebuild the fence..  That was at least three years ago and, of course, nothing has been rebuilt.  More than two years ago the fence between us and what had been an abandoned bank on the southwest corner of Kenwood RV Park was removed.. A gas company bought the church, demolished it and layed out a pretty good sized station and convenience store as well as separate fueling stations for diesels and big truck parking.  The gas people did plant some flowering bushes where the fence had been, but no fence has ever been rebuilt.

Photo at right is at our garbage collection area--note the border fence (bushes) which is not very tall at the area beyond the garbage unit.

Below shows just to the left of where first photo was taken.  You can see the station in background and the somewhat taller bushes.  And they advertise this park as (a gated community) which implies fence enclosed. Click HERE for their wonderous description

Bobbi Raab planted a lemon tree behind their trailer several years ago (before they left the park last year) and it is looking good now.

We attended church at the La Feria Methodist Church last Sunday.  Are planning on going to the Harlingen First Methodist Church this Sunday.  

This is a new unit the Park moved in on the spot occupied by Joyce Holder just 4 lots west of us.

This is view to the west of our Texas Room.  Paul Ritchie lived in a small trailer house that used to be there.  He died in 2012 or so and his unit was moved out.  We have had a vacant lot there ever since.  In about 2014 I built the Texas Room on and we have always parked our travel trailer at the back of that lot.  With this rather large mobile home in that location, all that has changed.

Monday we went to Nuevo Progreso, south of Weslaco, TX for teeth cleaning and dental inspection.  On Wednesday we returned for some major work, which will be finalized in three weeks.

Tuesday we went to the first, of this season, Men & Women of A-Chord barbershop chorus practice in McAllen, TX.  Had 17 show up plus our Director.  This included 3 new ladies.  As people from the northland show up we may be around 30 members this year.  Hopefully me may have more new ones join.  With the disolusion of the local Sweet Adalines ladies barbershop a year or so ago, many of them have joined our group, which is why last season we changed from Men of A-Chord to Men & Women of A-Chord.

After the formal practice ended this quartet did a number, which we all enjoyed.

Yesterday we gathered all the insulating panels that we cover the windows and doors here during the summer and stored them overhead on the shelves I built for that purpose when I built the Texas Room.

Have two shelves which are about 7 feet deep so they accomodate the 8' sheets as well as the shorter ones.

They will lay there until late next March when we will re-install them on the windows & doors.

Phyllis hasn't started the quilting group yet, hoping some more ladies will show up after Thanksgiving.  Yesterday I helped her set up 3 raised tables so she and Gail Ferguson (From Ansley, NE) could lay out a couple quilts ready to be worked on later.

This afternoon Phyllis was able to catch the lady that has cut her hair in the past without any appointments and got her hair cut.

This morning, at 11 am, the all-girl Junior ROTC color guard from the La Feria High School performed an indoor Veterans Day flag presentation.before a little program by the Office Staff.  Then all enjoyed BBQ HotDogs.

Still raining hard now at 6:05 pm.

Later, LC

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Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

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