Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Driving from South Texas to northern Florida

 52º here in Crestview, FL at 9:45 pm on Wednesday evening.  Long day on the road.  Ran in rain for some time this morning, then just heavy overcast the rest of the day and until we got here a little after 8 pm when it was dark as dark could be.   We are on the very eastern edge of Central time, which accounted for the early dark.  Will be in Eastern Time in about a hundred miles in the morning.  Drove just under 700 miles today, coming from Bay City, Texas; and just under 300 miles Tuesday afternoon La Feria, TX to Bay City, TX.

Got Darlene Winslow's house opened up for her, changed out water filter, turned on propane and got the house warmed up for.

Picked up Darlene from the plane about 4 pm Monday.  Realize now I didn't get any photo of her. 

She is walking slower, but for an 87-year old having had several falling incidences she is getting along.

Much of the parking area immediately across from the departure/arrival terminals at the airport now have new shade over them.

Took several shots while at our Men & Women of A-Chord practice on Tuesday and have labeled most of them.  Click on photo to enlarge to view.

Spend part of our practice on the risers each week.  We were missing quite a few on Tuesday and the practice seemed a little less than enthusiastic.  We will miss next week's practice as will several others who are travelling for Christmas.

Well, have something around 365 miles tomorrow and should be at my brother Darrell's place by early afternoon.  Lin's funeral service on Saturday morning, at 11 am Eastern Time, will be at Morrison United Methodist Church in Leesburg, FL.

Will have only 365 miles tomorrow to Leesburg, FL and looking forward to spending time with Darrell & Jonathan.

More later, Lynn

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