Sunday, December 17, 2023

Memorial Service for my sister-in-law Linda Nelms

 68 degrees and overcast here in Leesburg, FL at 2:00pm on Sunday.  It has rained much of the night and up until near noon today.   Click on photos to enlarge.

In photo at right, a lady was doing interview on Friday with Darrell & Jonathon to make up notes for when she spoke at Lin's Memorial Service on Saturday.
Photo at left, we did a walk around Darrell & Jonathon's house.
At right -- Brothers Lynn & Darrell, at a pizza restaurant.

Left and below, discovered a teeny, tiny frog under the cover of their Generac standby power unit.

At right,
the alter at
Lin Nelm's
in Leesburg
Above, left and
Darrell & Jonathon
greeting some 
of those attending
the Memorial Service

At left,
seated during
the Memorial
At right, Jonathon gave an eloquent and full
account of memories of his mother.
Darrell spoke
briefly of the
times with his
wife Lin
and his love for her.

Phyllis &
I had our

Above, Darrell & Jonathon in the choir at this morning's regular Sunday service.  They sang a lot of anthems as well as the congregation singing many Christmas hymns.  Following the service we were invited to go with them to a local restaurant where the Handbell Choir and the Choral Choir were treated to an annual Christmas lunch.

Interment will be tomorrow at 12:30 pm at Bushnell National Cemetery some 40 miles southwest of here.
Later, Lynn

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