Monday, November 25, 2019

Nearing the Panama Canal

8:45 am Monday - great weather - will be at sea all day today and enter the Panama Canal sometime around 5 am tomorrow morning.  We have had several time changes - was Eastern at Fort Lauderdale, FL; then an hour earlier when at Aruba yesterday, changed back to Eastern during last night and will be changing again several times before we hit California.

After breakfast this morning we did a lap on deck 3 (actually our lanai) and this is from the aft - looks like we are hauling ass!

Taken from the same spot as photo above.

View out our lanai window while we were in port at Aruba on Sunday.

View out our lanai window while we were in port at Aruba on Sunday.   A ship quite a bit smaller - the Freewind - was anchored a short distance from us.

Our table mate Cheryl - she never drank straight water, always requesting lemons, which she squeezed into the water, and also sweetener which she added generously making Lemonade.
Magician at the evening show Sunday

After stage show listened to this piano duo

Evening walk around the ship.
Some facts on the Rotterdam:  Guest1404;
Length780 ft.; Width105.8 ft.
Plan of our room - outside windows to right.

Image of our room from the Internet.

They were cleaning or something on life boats all day

Smaller ship in dock

While walking deck 9 yesterday

Looking out on Aruba from ship

Aruba from CrowsNest Bar as we leave

Our somewhat funny widow lady from Louisiana table mate.
We are now heading to the main stage to watch presentation on what we will see at the Panama Canal tomorrow.

Later, Lynn

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