Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Full day at sea

Full day at sea today, Wednesday 11-27-19.  Sea depth 10,860 ft, temperature 82 degrees, humidity 47% (but feels like 97%) we have traveled 2078 km.  at 1:37 pm (Think this Central time - we have changed our watches several times.

Listening to my part of Barbershop music

Alternative to $25 for small bag for ship crew to wash

No refrigerator, so this is how to keep insulin cool.
Potato soup as first delivered to table.
Potato soup after they poured liquid from a pitcher.
Think this is where we dock all day tomorrow

These two photos were taken off
the TV, showing where we are.
I have only taken 1077 photos (that weren't deleted) and have taken quite a lot of time editing and labeling them.  Thankfully, I am not posting all of them here.  Right now must take a break to go to a movie.  Will write more later. ---- now 4:11 pm.  Saw movies on National Geographic Penguins, caves, wildlife in Alaska.

Photo at left taken a few
moments ago.

Below are some photos of last part of our coming out of Panama Canal on Pacific Ocean end.

Lots of interesting people aboard.  We saw two children around 10 years old when we were boarding in Fort Lauderdale, FL and have not seen them since.  Saw a probably 6 year old last evening -- those are the only ones we have seen under the age of 50.  Many with canes, walkers, electric scooters.  A marked difference from the cruises we have been taking on Carnival where kids and families are the rule and much, much more noisy, etc.

Well, later, Lynn

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