Friday, November 22, 2019

Day at sea

I think it is 12:40 pm here - windy but great temperatures.

We are somewhere in the middle of our 700 mile, or so, way to Oranjestad, Aruba -- which appears to be just north of South America and Venezuela.  Think we are to be able to be on land all day tomorrow.

Ate breakfast on 8 and then walked around the ship several times before getting some books from the library and sitting to read.  -- and watch people.  Lots of them walking around - interesting differences, some ambling, some power walking, some talking incessantly.

Last Tuesday I went to Magic Valley Men of A-Chord practice in McAllen.

In the evening we went to Barbecuty for Barbecue with the Finkens and Darlene Winslow for her birthday, going to Finkens afterwards to play cards and have some Ice Cream and Cake.

Well, will amble off; maybe add one more posting tonight.


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