Friday, November 29, 2019

Day on shore at Puerto Corinto, Nicaragua

3:49 pm here in Puerto Corinto, Nicaragua.  Listening via internet to Iowa Nebraska football game.  Walked the deck at half time.
Went ashore around 9:30 and back to ship around 12 noon.  Took a ride on a trike - and walked around the tourist area.

Breakfast this morning.

There is something up there!

As we left the ship this morning

On our ride - many of these trikes in use

Stopped at this truck with fresh caught fish in it.

Jimmy said Coke is made there in town.

Some comment on the Panama Canal.  When the Cruise Director made her presentation about the canal and what we would see, she said they paid $200,000 to make the pass,and an additional $35,000 to guarantee a time of entrance at 5:30 that morning.  This, obviously, would come out of the 1400 or so passengers.


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