Monday, June 6, 2016

Week of Glenn Miller Festival in Clarinda

82 degrees and bright sunshine in Clarinda, Iowa.
 Last Thursday we drove by the intersection where the Clarinda First United Methodist Church just started dirt work preparing for the 1.6 million dollar building that is to be built soon.  This is on the north side of Business 2 just on the west end of town, by John Hunter's place and just north of the High School.

Later that day Phyllis had me
use my Worx saw with a 6-foot
reach and trim some of the tree
over her flower garden.
 It really opened up the space
to the sunshine and maybe
the flowers will quit leaning
heavily to the west now. 
She put up some rope to help
them stand upright.

Saturday we put out some stuff
during the annual city-wide yard sale.
We hadn't advertised, but did get some people.

 Have gained some
space in my shop building
from the things that
we hadn't used in years.

 One of the things that didn't sell was
the collapsible Christmas tree.  Since
we are not here at Christmas time we
don't need it.  Phyllis puts up some
little ones at our Texas house during
the Christmas Season.

Picked up some wind-blown cherries off our neighbor's tree

 Saturday afternoon we went up town and looked around at the parked classic cars and tractors, then had a pizza at Jay's Pizza and Steak House.

 At six o'clock the Cruisin Clarinda Parade
started and we had our lawn
chairs at intersection where
George Crawford was
announcing info on the
units passing.

 Lots of old, re-built cars.

Lots of tractors, but this
was the only "pulling tractor"

Junior McCall
and his Massey Harris 20.

An old Model A

The "General Lee"

I took pictures of only a
few of the various cars, trucks,
motorcycles and tractors.

Can't remember the
brand of this 3-wheeled
machine, but it is a company
that normally makes farm 4-wheelers.

Have been working most early-mornings
on trimming the hedge.  Top is above my
head and reaching over this thick hedge
is a little difficult.  It stands on the top
of a cliff-like drop so you can't work
from the back side.

Some of it is looking pretty
good.  This morning I
got the east end finished.
Will only take one more
morning--I work while one battery
lasts, and sometimes I think it
will never run down!

Sunday we rode the trikes
about 7 miles, including
around the apron of the
buildings at the airport.
This corn just south of
the buildings is 10 to 
12 inches tall.

Hay was down by the airport and
a guy was just hooking up
to the big round baler to
start rolling the hay up.

Dick and Gloria Kline
are putting another storage
unit up on the last bit of ground
by the airport road.

I have been working on the book
for the 55-year Class Reunion and have
much of it printed, and a few copies punched
and bound with the plastic spines.  Out of ink
for the color printer, but it should be in tomorrow.
We go to Omaha in the morning, taking a friend up to have her head worked on.  They can't get the wax or whatever is plugging her ear out here, so are going to put her under and dig it out.  She will do this as an out-patient and we'll be back tomorrow afternoon.  We start doing ushering work at the High School on Thursday for the Glenn Miller Birthplace Society Festival.  It runs through Sunday and we are scheduled to Ush (or whatever it is called) all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday and again Sunday afternoon..  At least we will be inside - weather prediction is for those three days to be above 90 degrees heat in this area.

More later,  Lynn

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