Thursday, June 23, 2016

Cool morning in Callaway

60 degrees in Callaway when woke up a little after 7 pm this morning.  Almost cold compared to much of the weather we have been in.  65 degrees now at 8:30 am and predicted high of 87 degrees.

I climbed the 75 steps to the top of the Lookout Tower in Halsey National Forest near Halsey, Nebraska - the only planted National Forest (1902)

 Not the largest trees we have seen in National Forests, but remember -- this is in the middle of the sand hills.  Surrounding is only sand dunes.

This is a photo of the planting back in 1902 in the somewhat barren sand hills.

Website of Halsey National Forest
Click on link above for info on this forest in the middle of the sand hills.

I posted a whole bunch of photos of the sunset over the Rocky Mountains taken from Grand Lodge just to the north of Grand Lake on Facebook.  Here are a couple of them.

We had eaten at Grand Lodge (Beth & Steve's 47th wedding anniversary).  Had taken guided boat tour of Grand Lake earlier in the day and the guide had recommended seeing the lake, and the sunset from the Grand Lodge and it was worth it.
At left is Phyllis and her sister Beth.

At left Steve and Lynn

Here are a few of the nearly 200 pictures I took of the places on Grand Lake.  Some pretty fancy.  A few reachable only by water or snow mobile over the ice in the winter.

Some are pretty good sized.

There are several sculptures in the city of Grand Lake, CO that were made by Howard Neville.
He also did the Glenn Miller Sculpture in the Glenn Miller Birthplace Museum in Clarinda, IA
Neville's Facebook Page

On Tuesday, on our way from Grand Lake, Colorado to Callaway, Nebraska, we stopped in Broomfield, Colorado long enough to go to lunch with Donna and Ricky Zoerb.  Rick was a high school classmate of mine.  They won't be coming to the reunion this weekend in Callaway, so was nice to visit with them.

As we drove east from the Denver area, towards Nebraska, the temperature kept climbing.  I had taken several photos of the thermometer - first at 100, then 101, then 102, then 103, and finally when we were near Sterling, CO it reached 104º

Plenty warm!

Yesterday, Wednesday, we stopped at Don Ferguson's place north of Ansley, NE and then went to lunch.  His brother Lawrence showed up and we all got to visit over lunch.

Back at Don's Phyllis and Don are studying his garden.  He was putting grass, as mulch, around some of the plants.

Got to go now, so will pick this back up some other time.
Later, Lynn

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