Sunday, June 19, 2016

In the Rocky Mountains for the weekend.

47 degrees in Grand Lake, CO at 7:21 am, MDT.

This is at Phyllis' sister's place near Grand Lake, CO last night.  A nearly full moon was out as they made "smores" over a log fire.  Jason and Kara Cooper with their two kids Megan and Tyler had come up from Denver.  Kara is Phyllis' niece.

Note the nearly full moon.

 Thursday evening we went, with Patty Steckelberg, to Elliot, IA to visitation for good friend Lowell Schaaf.  He taught us square and round dancing in the 1970's and again in the 1990's.  he had been calling for over 50 years.  When he retired, nearly 20 years ago, he became a minister and was serving 3 small rural churches.

Many square dancers (many who we had not seen for many years) were there and we got
to visit with them.

 I have had about 400 bricks that originally came from the streets of Clarinda in the 1940's or 1950's and decided to see how they would look by the shop.  Don't know if this should be a project to mix some masonry and make them permanent?

 After putting it off for nearly a month, I finally got up and washed the front of the trailer and got most of the bugs off.  did a light - quick job on the rest of the trailer.

We headed out with the trailer Friday morning.  Stopped near Rocca, NE briefly to visit with Jan and Lynn Freye (Jan is 1st cousin of Phyllis')
and headed on west.  Stopped in Hastings, NE briefly to visit with Dale Peer, a classmate of mine from Callaway, and on to Broken Bow and then Callaway, NE.  Photo at left shows the temperature mid-afternoon.

We set up our trailer beside Lynn & Sharleen Stiver's trailer in their back yard in Callaway.

 The Stivers took us to Broken Bow to the Elks Club which has a fantastic Mexican Restaurant in it now.

We were joined by Sharleen's daughter and her husband.


We were on the road (without the trailer) before 7 am on Saturday.  These photos are between Callaway and Arnold, NE.  Sprinkler irrigation systems running a lot.

This is on the edge of the Sandhills and pretty country.

We stopped in Sterling, Colorado at a re-hab nursing home that Jo Kuhlman is in following a stroke on May 10th.  She had a therapy session while we visited with her husband, Les.  He is a first cousin of Phyllis'.

 From Sterling we went to Estes Park and over TrailRidge

Snow still on the mountain tops.
And we drove by some snow.

We arrived at Beth & Steve's about 5 pm, local time.  Their daughter Kara and her family arrived from Denver shortly after and we visited during the evening and enjoyed a great meal together.

If some of you are wondering why I haven't mentioned fathers day -- I don't do any holidays.

Will see what today brings.

Later, Lynn

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