Wednesday, June 15, 2016


90 Degrees in Clarinda, IA at 10:30 am - forecast for today of 99 degrees.  We will be in Callaway, NE Friday afternoon and forecast there is 97 degrees so we won't be out of it there.  However, we will be in Grand Lake, CO Saturday evening until Tuesday morning and the high's through that period is 80 to 82 degrees.  Some relief before we head back to Callaway where forecast is for 90, 94 then 96.  Must be summer in the flatlands.
 Was able to come up with these photos from another's website.

This is the Air Force Band on the square Thursday night.

 These three photos are of the combination Glenn Miller Orchestra with the Des Moines Symphony showing both orchestras as well as the big crowd for that afternoon show.

And a full photo of the Tamina girls and the crowd.  These are from the Facebook page of the Glenn Miller Birthplace Society.

Will be heading uptown to the Methodist church to help unload the food truck for the Food Pantry in a bit.

More later, Lynn

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