Monday, June 20, 2016

Granby Ranch, Colorado

50 degrees at 8 am near Grand Lake, CO -- forecast of 81 for high today.
Click on photos to enlarge.  Make comments at end of blog, if you wish.

 After a delightful brunch mid-morning in Grand Lake we all went south to Granby Ranch  
where the ski area is used for hiking and biking in the summer time.  Jason and Tyler took their bikes on the trails while the rest of us rode the ski lift up to the top and did some short walks at the top

On the ride up.
Nearing the top.
Chairs were set up facing the view to the east (Next Photo) for a wedding.  Later when at the cafe at the bottom of the lift we saw some of the wedding party.
View from the top to the east, with many flowers in the foreground.

This is a map of the area showing the winter routes for skiing.  I thought I had taken a photo at the top of the lift showing the hiking/biking trails, but guess not.

This couple started down on this route that had a jump at the beginning

Back at Beth & Steve's time was spent on the front patio visiting over munchies.

 As sun began covering the front patio, moved to the deck at the south side of the house.

After a delicious meal, including pulled pork, the Denver Coopers put their 4 bicycles on the back of their pickup for their 2-hour drive back home.  Inside the box area was their huge dog.

This morning we are heading up to Grand Lake for a guided tour on a pontoon boat.

Will be heading out for Callaway, NE tomorrow (Tuesday) morning where temperatures are to be in the 90's during the rest of the week we will be there.  Pioneer Picnic and Rodeo and All-School Reunion on the weekend.

More later, Lynn

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