Friday, June 24, 2016

New Great Granddaughter and great great niece

69º here in Callaway, NE with overcast sky. Forecast for 93º as high.

Got more use out of the Instant Messenger on my smart phone yesterday than in the last 3 years.

At left is Jessica Lynn Long, our first Great Granddaughter, born about noon yesterday in Cedar Rapids, IA.

 This is the proud Grandmother, our daughter-in-law Patty Miles with Jessica.
And this old man is proud grandpa Cameron Miles - our son - with Jessica.

This is mamma - Ashley, our granddaughter, with Jessica, picture taken this morning.
Mom, Dad & Jessica shortly after birth.

And this morning found posting on Facebook that my brother's grandson Steve and Melissa are now parents of Emma Jean Miles.   This is Steve's post on Facebook - "Introducing Emma Jean Miles! She was born June 21st at 1234 in Sulzbach-Rosenberg Germany. Both mother and daughter are doing great and should come home today"

And here is little Emma Jean,
guess she would be my great-great niece.

 Last evening we went to Broken Bow and ate with Monte Jo McFate (in photo above with Don Ferguson) and Madeline McFate, Phyllis, and Carla (Don's Daughter)
Below is Don Ferguson and his brother Lawrence Ferguson.  Another brother Jake Ferguson and his wife Helen also ate supper, but had left before I got the camera out.

Earlier we had taken lunch in to Dixie & Dick G'Schwind's place and got to visit with them before Dick went back to the field to "ditch" the corn, preparing for gravity irrigation.

At left, Sharleen Stivers is checking her cucumbers and tomatoes that she is growing in containers that had been "lick tanks" of molasses for cattle.  They are pretty good sized and I am trying to locate some to take with us.

Will sign off for this morning.  We are going to go to ranch of Nancy Willis this morning to visit her.

Considering going to the Seven Valley's Rodeo which starts here tonight as part of the Pioneer Picnic celebration for this weekend.

Later, Lynn

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