Tuesday, February 2, 2016

End of January 2016

Was 88 degrees mid-day today (Sunday January 31st)  Almost hot--for January.
Been a busy time.  Will post pictures of some
of the activity.

As I write now is Monday afternoon.
Photos are of us eating at Stefano's Pizza
and Pasta Restaurant on west side
of Harlingen.  Was
made up of about 15

people who had attended
church at the Rec Hall
here in Kenwood RV Park.
Orville Crane
and Butch Geisking
sort of set off by

Theresa played the organ
and Lavin played the piano
at church service -
Rev. Baker gave the sermon.

 While we were
out Saturday we went 
through the car wash.
Here is what it was
like (about half the
pictures I took while
we went through)

Spent time Saturday at
the Mexican Flea Market
in Alamo.  Prices of 
haircuts on a barbershop
within the flee market.

Playing Pegs & Jokers
at the Raabs.  In this photo 
Betty Salzwedel, Bob Raab, Bobi Raab.

In this photo Larold Neher,
Phyllis Miles, and Doug Salzwedel

Bobi served a 
terrific desert cake.

Last week, on Thursday, we rode
with Dave & Jan Engle and Jerry and 
Lillian Witt to The Texas Gold
Shrimp along the Brownsville
gulf.  Watched an interesting video
on how the shrimp is sorted and packed
at nearby Port Isabel, Texas

This and following photos
are of a video of the process
of sorting and packing the shrimp
after they are 

People from Kenwood watching demonstration of devaining the shrimp  Seen are Phyllis, Shorty Ramsbacker, Jan Engle,  Jerry Witt, Dave Engle, and Lillian Witt.
 This is a
smaller "sampler" net that is
put down first for about 30 minutes
of running to see if there is enough
shrimp in the area to lower the
huge nets to shrimp.

Our crowd watching
and listening to Leonard (below)
as he tells how the boats go out with 3 to 6 people (depending on the run of shrimp, usually from 1 to 5 weeks at a time.  Captain lines up his own crew and the captain gets a percentage of the sale of shrimp and pays a percentage of diesel burned by the boat.  The captain hires his own crew and pays them out of his percentage of shrimp sale.

Showing the very long "feelers" that the shrimp have.  They stay under the sand and feel out if the krill is going by which they suck in and eat.  They also eat any other shrimp they bump into.

This guy is squeezing off
the heads of the shrimp(s).  They must do this to all that come out of a net before the next net comes in, sometimes within 30 minutes when on really good ground and sometimes every hour.  They go from him to the bucket directly to mesh container I somehow did not get a photo of.
 These 4 bags and pail contain items mixed with water and put in the white box below them.  They get the temperature down to 23 degrees below zero and the shrimp are quick frozen in this in plastic mesh containers, then taken out after 20 minutes and placed in the large refrigerated hold below deck which is around 12 degrees, I think.

In Kitchen/eating area of boat.

Kitchen area

Eating area.

The "head"

Wheel house

Well, as usual, I have done this in several sittings.  It is now 12:15 pm on Tuesday - and 72 degrees, partly cloudy and 17-20 mph winds straight out of the north (they just switched to the north).  This "Cool" front is to have us in the 60 to 70 degree range instead of the upper 80's we have had last couple days.
Didn't have exercises this morning as the hall was set up for Craft Carnival.  Looked like a fairly good turnout.  After going down to Walgreen's (This is Senior Citizen 20% discount day - first Tuesday of each month) we came back and ate lunch at the hall.  The Crafters must start packing up at 12 noon so the Blue Grass jam can set up and start performing at 1:30 pm.

Will fill in some more sometime.  --- anybody got comments?  It is supposed to be easier to make them now.

Later, Lynn


  1. We are waiting out a blizzard in southern MN! Hope to leave here by Thursday on our way back to TX.

    1. Good idea - drive carefully. Snow drivers (others) don't always do what you think. Nice weather here.


Cold & rainy in the Rio Grande Valley

 36 degrees, windy and rainy here in La Feria, TX on Saturday morning.  Been that way for last 3 days, was 33 degrees when we woke up yester...