Thursday, January 28, 2016

Shrimp Boat Tour day

54 degrees- high for the day - been raining off and
on most of the day here in La Feria, TX as I start this on Wednesday afternoon.

Last week Phyllis went out with the Red Hat Ladies from the park.  Here are some photos she took.

This is not an official "Red Hat"
group, but they do the red and purple
thing and get together once
a month during the winter
here in the Rio Grande

Played the card game Manipulation one
evening at Ardel & Marion
Finken's - along with Bill and
Darlene Winslow.

Though I seldom mention it,
we go down to the Rec Hall about
every week-day morning at 8 am to
exercises.  These are "Chair" or
"Stretching" exercise that
Don Unger leads each
day.  He is 83 and many of the people
who show up (up to 27) are in their 80's.  One
is 90 years old and one is 99 years old.
Rest probably split about half and half between
people in their 70's and their 80's.

At the right, above and below, is
the board that Don follows as
he counts out the different
stretching exercises.
We are usually done by
about 8:25 am each morning.

Earlier this week, I took
pictures of the various
cacti I planted several
years ago.  These
were all just tiny then.

This is a Tangelo
tree in a neighbor's yard.
He doesn't pick them because
they are tart.  I picked several
and ate some--they are tart!

This is a grapefruit
tree right beside the Tangelo
tree.  For some reason the birds
aren't bothering it.  They don't eat many
grapefruit and said to help ourselves.
Got a couple mesh-bags for us
and a large mesh-bag for
Harold and LaRhoda.

At Tuesday's Bluegrass Jam in the park this 3-wheeler (kind of similar to mine--except for the motor, the size of the tires, and the seat, windshield, etc., etc.) was parked near the Rec Hall.  I took this photo to show what my trike could be if it grew up!

Had Jim and Lavin Boozer,
and Bob and Bobi Raab
over to our house for
Pegs & Jokers one evening.

This is Thursday morning as I finish writing this blog.  Was 34 degrees this morning, but bright sunshine.  To be 67 by 3 or 4 this afternoon.  We are going to move the quilter's stuff from thei
 storage shed over to the Rec Hall and then, by 9am, leave for the Port of Brownsville to attend a tour of shrimp boat and their processing plant--and eat some boiled shrimp.  We are dressing in layers and with winds predicted to be only in the 5 to 7 mph should not be a bad day.  Were scheduled for this tour yesterday, but was moved one day due to fact that it rained most of yesterday and was in the 50's.  Rain didn't amount to much, but was just drizzly all day.

Later, Lynn

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