Friday, January 1, 2016

We begin 2016

50º and rain, here in the Rio Grande Valley at La Feria, TX

Surprisingly, we saw the new year come in.  Several neighbors here in Kenwood came over for food and Pegs & Jokers.  Quit just before 11pm so could see ball drop in New York City and then all visited until 2016 reached here.  Lots of good food brought by all.

On Wednesday evening we had a great pot-luck supper at the hall.  Good turn out and a variety of food.

Been rainy (mostly just a light drizzle-had only 1/10th of an inch yesterday morning, but must check now as it got a little more serious overnight) for the last couple days and forecast is for another 3-4 days of it.
Note 55 degrees with 86% humidity --  this is on the porch just outside our front door.  And, as always here in the Valley, the wind keeps blowing.

One of our neighbors, who has a full-time family living beside him that put a garden in the back of Butch Giesking's place and Butch invited me to pull any of the over-grown radishes or turnips.  Little old, but not too bad.

I stepped into the Rec Hall Tuesday afternoon long enough to hear one rendition of some Blue Grass music.  They had a pretty good turnout.
Phyllis was helping with the serving cake and coffee (for donation) at the break.  I did not stay for that.  Had to pedal a bit.  Have been putting 15 miles on much of the time each day, until this rain moved in.  Still did 4 miles 2 days.  Will see how much of a break in the weather today there is.

Have Rose Parade on TV as I type this at 10:50 am.  Iowa Band just coming up.  Haven't had breakfast yet, it may stretch into brunch or lunch.   Phyllis' sister and husband are in Pasadena for the Football game, but don't know if they are attending the parade live.

More later, Lynn

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