Friday, January 8, 2016

Clarinda, IA visitors from Washington state

 59 degrees and foggy in La Feria, TX at 7:30 am on Friday.

Tuesday Jack and Janeen Preeo, Phyllis' Classmates at Clarinda, IA High School, from Medical Lake, Washington, came to our place.
We have been showing them some of the area, but Janine became ill yesterday and spent the day in bed while Phyllis was at the quilting day down at the hall.

 Jack and Janeen at
Stefano's Pizza place
in Harlingen

 Went to the Mexican
Flea Market in Alamo,
Texas on Wednesday.
Got some bargains,
and some vegetables.

Ate at Willie's Bar-B-Que in Alamo

 I am continuing
to work on the
plywood sheets I
brought from Clarinda and
putting on the ceiling in the
Texas Room.

Stopped in a bit
at the Hall Thursday while the
women were working on
their quilts to give to
the needy in the Valley

Plan on going to South Padre Island (After
Choir Practice) if Janeen feels like it.
Look at the gulf and also get
some sea food under our belts.

Plan on going to Mexico at Progreso on Saturday.

Did get in over 18 miles on the trike yesterday--needing to catch up from some of the days it was raining and didn't ride!
Till later, Lynn                        

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