Friday, January 22, 2016

Windy, Windy

61 degrees and 17 mph wind out of the north at 11:15 am Friday January 22, 2016.  Feels colder than 61 degrees.

As I rode around the 5 streets
here in Kenwood RV Park yesterday,
I took photos of most of the nameplates
that people have by their units.

 Wednesday evening we went to Bob & Bobi Raab's place to play Pegs & Jokers.
Bob's daughter and her husband from near Minneapolis, MN were down for a week and played also.  They just purchased a permanent unit here in the park that they will take possession of this fall.

Tuesday Dick and Deane
Messer, from Minnesota,
rode with us to the Convention
Center in McAllen to the Winter
Texan Expo.

 They had over a hundred vendors selling tours of the valley, restaurants, hospitals, etc, etc.

They had a stage at one end of the building
and we watched three different performers

This is
the Gold Wing group -
3 brothers and their
dad.  They have performed
at Kenwood several times.

After exercises Thursday morning, I
helped Phyllis move the stuff
over to the Rec Hall from the
little storage shed so the women
could work making quilts
from 9 am to 3 pm.

Some of the bags of items wouldn
fit in the back so
the second seat of
the cab was full, too.

One of the units on the south
street in the park.  A small Class C 
motor home with a trailer
and they have a scooter for
local transport so don't have to move
the motorhome.

More later, Lynn

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