Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Still cool, overcast weather in the RGValley

55 degrees at 4:40 pm on Monday (The high for the day)  Heavy overcast and almost misty.

This morning we (Preeo's and us) went to Gatti's Pizza for the Kenwood group Bingo, eating and visiting monthly activity.  Phyllis ran the bingo - said 77 people attended.

Well, it is 51 degrees now at 8:25am on Wednesday.

Copied this photo of
frost on a window
in Nebraska off the
Internet---not missing
these things too much.  See that it
has been down below zero at our
house in Clarinda.  Makes the windy
overcast, misty, days here in the 50's
not seem quite so cold.
 Phyllis' classmates Jack and Janine Preeo, now from Medicine Lake, Washington, left Tuesday morning-going back to their son's place in Austin, Texas.  Last week we drove over to South Padre Island.

Stopped at Pelican Station in
Port Isabel (which is at the
west end of the bridge going
to SPI) for great lunch of
fish, shrimp and/or

Jack and Janine Preeo on the deck
outside Pelican Station at Port Isabel, Texas.
Buildings in the background are on
South Padre Island.

Sunday evening, after announcements and
ice cream, this couple from Branson, MO
performed a program of western/
religious singing at the Rec Hall
here in Kenwood RV Park.

We took popcorn to
feed the gulls
on the beach in
the state park on
the south end of
South Padre Island.

I was able to feed
the birds by holding the
popcorn up and they took
it out of my hand.  Phyllis
and Janine didn't do so well.

Must show this
photo of Janine and Phyllis
both leaning over to pick
up sea shells.
What do you think?

Janine and Phyllis
walking on the beach
after Janine stood,

briefly, in the water to
find it was really cold.

On Saturday we drove down to Progreso, TX, walked across the bridge to Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipis, Mexico.  Here are Jim and Janine at the border on the bridge.
 And, after
getting across the bridge,
they are in front of the
Welcome sign and the National
Coat of Arms statue.

We walked south
on the west side of the street,
stopping at Rene's Bakery
for rolls and coffee.

Made about a three block loop, going south
on the west side and coming back
north on the east side.  It wasn't nearly
as crowded as sometimes in

Just before coming
back across the Rio 
Grande River we stopped
at our American Pharmacy
where the Preeo's got
some medicines.

Always have to
take a look at the
orchids on the
counter at the
American Pharmacy.

Jack and Janine
getting checked
through the Border
Patrol on the US
side of the bridge.

We drove over to the Santa Ana National
Wildlife Refuge, but were just a few
minutes too late to take the
tram ride through the refuge and
it was the last one of the day, so
we missed it.  Had hoped to
go back another day with them,
but didn't make it.

Harold and LaRhoda
came over and helped us
introduce the card game 
"Manipulation" and also
"Pegs and Jokers" to 
the Preeo's.

Sunday we fixed chicken
breast on the grill and
had dinner at home.

They were really happy
that I had the camera
up in the air!

Later, Lynn

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