Friday, January 15, 2016

Great weather!

63 degrees at 8:00 pm on Friday.  Was 71 when we got back from eating supper at Church's Chicken down the street and we rode couple miles on the trikes - after dark and not many people out on the street.

Was in the upper 70's today with bright sunshine -- a little different than the many completely overcast days recently.  Moved stuff from the storage shed to the rec hall for Phyllis and the women who work on quilts on Thursday.  Had gone to a thank-you banquet by SkyMed in Harlingen on Wednesday at noon.  Good meal and was given lot of info on the relocate service in case of accident/illness that we purchased recently.
Went to Meet-N-Greet Thursday afternoon.  Had quite a crowd and was a program after the eating and announcements of a big race track setup for radio controlled cars.

Plan on going to Longhorn Steakhouse with the Nehers on Sunday to eat.

Later, Lynn

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