Sunday, January 3, 2016

Rain stopped!

48 degrees and finally stopped raining sometime in the night.  Still heavily overcast--as it has been for nearly a week--and it rained constantly from New Years Eve until this morning.  Never raining hard, but a steady drizzle for 4 days, and overcast for more than a week.  Dumped 1.25" of rain from the rain gauge a bit ago.

Had not left the house from afternoon of December 31st until went to church this morning January 3rd.  Got a lot of football bowl games watched (Iowa lost) Rose Parade watched and movies seen, Discovery channel watched and books read.

This was taken of my
temperature gauge just outside
of the front door - 88% humidty
and 48 degrees at 12:45 pm New
Years Day.

Have not had the cycles out during this period.

I did check on the settings for this blog and think I have changed the comment section so anyone can comment without any registration like it was in the past.

Heading over to DonWes flea market in a bit, out to eat with the Winslow's and then to Sam's Club in McCallen where we can get some cappuccino that isn't available for some reason at the Sam's Club here in Harlingen.

Later, Lynn

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