Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kenwood RV Park 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

68 degrees and foggy as I write this 6:20 am Sunday February 21st.
Last night was the Kenwood RV Park Celebration of 50th Wedding Anniversary.
3 couples will celebrate their 50th this year and many who have already celebrated 50 years were recognized.  Here are all my photos:

Theresa VanOenan, from
Ontario, CA on the piano

Click on photo to enlarge.  From that location you can right click on any photo and from the menu that comes up you can save any of the photos to your own computer.

Lavin and Jim Boozer, from Illinois
seated next to Phyllis

LaRhoda and Harold Neher
from Kansas

The three couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year.
Joe and Joaney,                 , Don &      Foote.

Though many didn't attend, it was a nice program with history of the three couples read and all above 50 years married were acknowledge and stood up as their names were read.

Know all those in the park may enjoy these pictures.  As I have time, I will try to label names to the photos later.
Later, Lynn

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