Monday, February 8, 2016

Another week

62 degrees at 8 pm Monday evening as I write this in La Feria, TX

Today was one of monthly lunches
at Gatti's Pizza in Harlingen for
Kenwood RV Park people.
Some 88 people had signed
up, think most made it.
Phyllis ran the bingo game with
Don Ferguson calling the numbers
before we ate.

After Gatti's we stopped at
Walmart for Phyllis and Lavin (Who rode
with us) to get some things, then stopped
at Henry's for Phyllis to get some
stuff for the hall--then got
gas at Sam's Club in Harlingen.
$1.399 --think it is the
least we have paid here in the 
valley this winter.

Really nice temperatures during the day - close to 70 degrees.  Same weather prediction for near 
future.  Cool when I went riding late this afternoon - about 60 degrees. 

Watched the Super Bowl yesterday.  For first time that I can remember, I watched the half-time show.  If that kind of crap, jiggling, singing in such a way no words are understood, crappy costumes,with all the fireworks and junky background crap is indicative of the younger generation in this country, it is no wonder the country is going to hell, socially.                                                                                   

Later, Lynn

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