Monday, February 22, 2016

Laguna Atascosa

71degrees and heavy overcast here in La Feria, TX with High 86 | Low 67 °F predicted for today.  63 degrees in Mexico City right now with High 80 | Low 50 °F for today.

Yesterday. after church here in the park, we drove to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge | Texas    click on that link for website.

The  Yucca plants are in bloom and they were quite pretty.

This is close-up of one of the heads that hasn't flowered out yet.

The tram we were in, pulled by a truck.  Their tram with the engine/drive unit was under repair.

Don't recall her name,
but the volunteer tour guide
did a good job of describing what we
were looking at and history of the 
area as well as recent weather factors
affecting the area.  They had been
wet last fall, but now are quite dry.
There are no rivers running through
the Refuge and no springs so having
enough fresh water for the birds
and animals is something they work at.

This is looking out at the water between the land and Padre Island.  She stated that the salinity in this water is some 30% higher than in the Gulf on the other side of South Padre Island due to small inlet or outlet to the gulf and high evaporation.

Our group looking out onto the

An ornery cactus flat on the ground
and was a problem for horses
when riding the area because it
would leave thorns in the
soft part of their hooves.

Photo taken yesterday
evening -- tomatoes
are doing slow, it seems
Maybe watched vegetagles
do that.

More later, Lynn


  1. Did you go on the morning or afternoon ride through the park? Which would you advise taking for seeing the most wild life.

  2. Beats me. We have gone on this 3 or 4 times. Always different. Seems like we saw more of the big animals this time, though quite a few birds, too.


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