Saturday, February 20, 2016

20 February

82 degrees and very bright sunshine 57% humidity at 4:30pm on Saturday 20, 2016

Well, we picked up Patty at the Harlingen Airport on Thursday - didn't get a picture of her, but here are her suitcases!  It was just before 1 pm and we stopped to eat lunch at a Whataberger and then I dropped Phyllis & Patty off at the Rec Hall so they could work with the quilters.
At 4:00 pm 
we were back in the
hall for the Meet & Greet.
Patty has been here many
February's and lots of people
stopped to welcome her back
this time.

We went back down to the hall
to play Bean Bag Baseball, at 6:30 pm, but guess I didn't take any pictures.

Arnold and Kathy Waxman had been in a permanent on our street, then sold it several years ago and bought a 5th wheel that they left permanently.  This week they traded that 5th 
wheel, with its steps inside, for a travel trailer.  They are in their late 80's or early 90's and this should work better for them.

Phyllis and Patty
went with quite a few ladies in the park for
their "Red Hat" day in Weslaco.
These are the photos Phyllis took there.

 They had a fashion
show and here are 
couple of the models
from the park.
Marion Finken

and Darlene Winslow

A carload of the "Red Hat Bachelors
went to a Mexican Restaurant
in Weslaco for lunch.

Tonight is the "50th" celebration where all couples having been married 50 years or more will be recognized and those who are celebrating their 50th this year will be honored.  

They have moved the 
race-car track to a spot
on the next street directly across
from us.  This way they can leave
it up.  It had been on a parking
spot and taken down and put 
up every week.

More later, Lynn

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