Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valantine Day tomorrow

80 degrees here at our home in Kenwood RV Park in La Feria, Texas at 2:00 pm Saturday afternoon.  Clear sky and very bright sunshine.

Thursday and Friday was the big NASCAR races at Kenwood RV Park.  Merve Stauffer put a lot of time and money in to the layout over the last several weeks.  At left Phyllis is running her car around the track against Ruth Stauffer.
We both ran 5 races Thursday and then returned Friday to run 3 more in the finals.  I won enough the first day to be in the winners runoff, but was eliminated in the finals.  Phyllis was in the losers division on Friday and was also eliminated.  Was hot both days and Don Ferguson was helping straightening out the cars (after 3 bumps into the board and unable to get turned around) both days and about did himself in. 

We got a kick out of Joany (from Gretna, NE) running her car--she put a lot of body English in it, twisting herself around trying to turn the car, and even talked to it when it was near her.

Since we had been eliminated and the Veggie Man came around about 4 pm we left and didn't hear who got the three trophies that Merve had in his car.

Both days there
were quite
a few

 There have been quite a few
sugar cane fields burned the last
week or so, even with the daily high
winds.  They burn so hot and quickly, that within 
a short time the fire is done.  But, they produce
quite a bit of smoke (burning some 40% of
the matter of the cane--leaving the green
stalk, which they want for the
sugar content) and it rises quite high
in the atmosphere.
 They are limited by
weather factors:
humidity, temperature,
wind at various levels
and have no trouble with
burning adjoining areas.
If the weather is just right
and you are down wind you can
see some "Texas Snow" -- the
small black burned cane
pieces.  There was
quite a wind yesterday when these
photos were taken of fire just south and east

of our park but we did not
witness and "Texas Snow"

 Couple of tomatoes
that are setting
on two of my
seven tomato

Couple of
that came in early
in February from

 This morning, Saturday, Phyllis & I
helped serve the breakfast at
the Rec Hall.  Quiche, along with
biscuits and gravy went
over well with the 50-some
people who ate.  In this
photo we were just about
ready to start. 

Phyllis at the "taking
money table" -- $4 per
serving.  Not too bad
for a really good meal!

Some of the early eaters.

Merve Stauffer, when serving
was about done.

This photo was taken
early in the morning,
before the cooking
was finished and before
people started showing
up for breakfast.
Virgle Greene,
Bill McConnell and
Merve Stauffer were
working up the eggs, etc., while
Phyllis was getting supplies from the refrigerator.

This morning was
quite damp.
I took this about 9:15 am
when it was 74% humidty
and 68 degrees.

Phyllis, along with a couple others, is involved with putting on the Valentine's Day meal and program tomorrow evening.  They are having the meal catered and has a program following.  Lot of decorating this morning and to have the Rec Hall closed at 11 am tomorrow after church for all the setup.  Think there are around 140 tickets sold.

Later, Lynn

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