Saturday, February 5, 2022

Cold and wet in the valley.

48º with bright sunshine here in Kenwood RV at 11:37 am on Saturday.  Supposedly, it was at or near 32 degrees for several hours early this morning, but I see no evidence of any frost on our Bougenvelia bushes.  Is to be sunshine today and tomorrow and get up into the lower 60's and then rain Sunday evening and all day Monday.  Temps don't show above the 60's.
Finally getting around to putting together a frame and workspace on wheels that includes a set of plastic drawers.

Finally finished it up.  Used all recycled boards, new wheels, and drawers from Harold's shed.  Will easily move around and think it will better organized some of my stuff and make a little work bench area, also.

This Thursday the weather was mean -- wet, cold and windy -- and there were six of us showed up for Meet & Greet.


In spite of the weather, or maybe on account of the weather, we had a pretty good turnout for Beanbag Baseball Thursday evening at 6:30 pm.  Everyone has been cooped up in their units for several days and wanted to get out, I guess.  Anyway, everyone seemed to enjoy the evening at the Rec Hall.


Bobi Raab, our neighbor to the east, has been hearing some animal gnawing under her mobile home for more than a month.  The park maintenance man put out a trap under her unit, but the bait was always gone and trap not tripped.  The trap was old and would not trip even when you bumped it.  She finally bought a new trap from Johnny's Hardware in Harlingen and I set it (actually two traps, there was a small one inside the large one when she bought it) with various goodies.  Bananas, oranges, and we finally put hot dogs in them.  The food was always gone, but no luck in tripping the trap. 

Bobby finally came up with the idea of hanging a hot dog from a string which would make the animal reach further to get it and maybe step on the tripper.  For two days the wieners hung there and then they finally disappeared, with nothing caught.  She heard that a possum was caught at Dave Engle's unit with doughnuts in the trap.  So she drove to Shipley's in Harlingen, got some rolls for her and Bob as well as us, and a couple cake doughnuts for the traps.  I put them in yesterday and just checked -- doughnuts still there.  Will see what happens.

Wednesday evening we had Pot Luck Supper at the Rec Hall.  Fair turnout, lots in the park are not attending.  Courtney, Darlene's Granddaughter, is at the left of the table here.  She came in Tuesday and will be here for some 9 days.

We had picked up Patty at the Airport in Harlingen on Tuesday and she fit in with the people in the park that she has been well acquainted with over the years.  She will be here until about March 2nd.

Shortimeers Ardel & Marianne Finken are in this photo at the Pot Luck Supper.  They are leaving March 1st.

Later Wednesday evening we did Pegs & Jokers at the Raabs.

With the warning of freezing, all the potted plants were once again moved into the Texas Room.

Has been wet and windy and cold much of the week, but don't think the rain amounted to .05".

Last night's entertainment drew 30 people - Pickpocket Gene.


Photo at left - Margaret Henning, from Missouri, had her two sisters visiting and good friend Terry Servin stepped in for a photo during the break in the Pickpocket show.  Pickpocket Gene gave a lot of information on fraud and internet security.  He mentioned one thing that I did not know: a lot of the credit cards now let you place them over a receiver instead of inserting them into a credit card machine.  He showed how anyone can get a hand-held receiver and take that info off your card if they are near you.  This I had heard of before, but he went on to say that if your driver's license has the star, it too sends out the signals and can be picked up by thieves.   He sells, and recommends, you get the little aluminum lined pockets for your credit cards AND your driver's license so the info cannot be stolen.  He also sells that type of sleeve for Passports.  He spends much of his time working for corporations; banks, and others that need information security.  He had told us at the Showcase a few weeks ago in Mission, that he is not coming back to the Valley, at least not next year.


“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” ―Henry James

Until next time, Lynn

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Cold in the Valley

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