Saturday, February 26, 2022

Finish of Another busy week in the valley

 11:52 am Saturday   Had trouble editing the post before this, so finally published it and will try to finish now.

Last night we went with neighbors Joyce Holder and Darlene Winslow; taking Ardell & Marian Finken out to dinner at the Longhorn Cattle Company Barbeque and Steak House in San Benito, TX.  The Finken's have sold their house and will be leaving next Tuesday after spending their winters next door since around 2005.

After returning from the Cattlemen's we played Concentration cards at our place and then enjoyed Phyllis' cherry pie and ice cream.

The quilt Phyllis made and donated to the Men of A-Chord for a raffle to raise money for the  scholarship awarded each year.

You probably didn't notice, but there was a break in my working here--went up to the Rec Hall to practice the songs Phyllis and I are going to sing tonight at the 50 Years and Over Anniversary party.

Still misty, a little windy and COLD out.

Later, Lynn

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