Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Busy Valentine's Day

 41º with mostly clear sky in La Feria, TX at 8:10 am Monday.

Yesterday, after church and lunch at Panda Express in Harlingen, we drove south of there and west to the 1,400 acre project of solar farm (South & a little east of La Feria)

Drove down a lot of dirt roads and through the middle of this huge project.  Many posts with solar panels on are in place as well as many areas with just the posts and many areas with no apparent development taking place yet.

This site - CLICK HERE gives some explanation and THIS SITE more on the story.

On returning home I placed some plywood sheets on the roof (So I spread out my weight in an attempt to not collapse any of the roof ridges) and used some aluminum guttering to cover the abutment of the two roofs over the Texas Room.  Riveted it in place and think will have no more trouble with the caulking which had sealed this joint drying and shrinking, letting water through.

At Church in the Rec Hall here in Kenwood yesterday we both sang with one "special" song.
Well, it is now 70 degrees with bright sunshine at 11:15 am on Tuesday.  Many interruptions since I started this blog, including all the work taking food down to the hall for the Valentine's Day Dinner and setting up tables & chairs and helping as needed as the crew of ladies prepared the salad, cheesy potatoes, baked chicken breasts, baked pork, and green beans.  They worked from  9 am until mid-afternoon and then again from 4:30 or so.  Phyllis spearheaded the operation, but had lots of help, including our Patty who is visiting us,  The husbands of the ladies all helped, including serving the meals to the 80 people attending the dinner last night.

We are going to have to leave in a few minutes for Barbershop Chorus practice -- almost an hour's drive--but will put a few pictures for last night.  I didn't get any of the seated guests as I and 3 other guys were busy taking plates from the kitchen to serve at the tables.  Then I helped clean up some of the plates, etc. afterwards.

Us before the event.
Picture with Phyllis and the dozen roses I got for her yesterday.

Gotta run.  Pegs & Jokers here tonight with us serving pizza for supper, performance of the Barbershop group tomorrow night.

Will try to catch up on this sometime.


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