Monday, February 28, 2022

50+ Wedding Anniversary program and another MOAC concert

 67º with bright sunshine--first day in almost a week!  Is 3:45 pm Monday.

Above are all the couples who have been married 50 or more years this year.  The two couples seated are at their 50th year; and, the couple to the right was celebrating their anniversary that day.

Phyllis and I performed two songs during the program:  Love Grows Here, and Through the Eyes of Love (Theme from "Ice Castles")  Went well, at least no one threw vegetables or anything at us (not even money!).

Ed Stanger took photos of each couple before the program

Last evening we performed our fifth of eight Men of A-Chord Barbershop Chorus performances.  It, also, went well.  Patty once again videoed it for me with the camera on a tripod.  You can see the program by CLICKING HERE

Sunday, after church, we went out to eat  at Cheddars with Darlene Winslow and her grandson Josh and his wife Allie who are visiting grandma for about a week from Minnesota.

This is a cropped photo I took from the group photo at the 50+ Wedding Anniversary program.

Full schedule this week ---  have to take Patty to the airport before 6 am on Wednesday so she can fly back to Kansas City and then on to Shenandoah, IA

Later, Lynn

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